
Newborn and baby sessions

Can take place at any time after the baby is born until about 4 months old. Natural and simple style photos I offer you to create the timeless memories for yourself and your child in future. It’s a baby who leads the way in our sessions with no rush or unnatural posing to let them be as comfortable as possible. Don’t worry if the baby doesn’t want to sleep. It’s absolutely fine and awake babies look as cute as the sleepy ones. 
Session will last approximately 2 hours but if we need more breaks for feeds or changing there is plenty of time for that too. If you wish I can include siblings and parents in this shoot for no additional cost you will build your own family portrait. 
You can feel free to what you would like to dress your baby for their first photoshoot but I highly recommend to keep it simple, little vest or smooth lightly coloured outfit easy removed if necessary. It will ensure that all the focus is on the baby and your family instead of distracting patterns. 
Photoshoot can take place in my little home studio or in your own home if you feel this will be more comfortable after just having your little bundle of joy in your hands.

Grow with me session

For all my lovely clients there is a possibility of booking a package containing all stages of your baby development as newborn stage, sitter and first birthday photoshoot. You will receive your separate online galleries, high resolution chosen files and prints after each photoshoot. Contact me for more details.

Sitter session

They are exactly what their name says. It’s for babies who can sit by themselves and play along. If your child just starts to crawl it’s good too as the photo session is naturally based there won’t be anything to distract focus from your little one. The best time to book your session is when your child is between 6 and 9 months old but don’t worry every child hits their milestones at different times so if your bundle of joy is over that age but  just started to roll or sit unattended that’s great too!
The session can last up to an hour depending on patience your little one will have and how long they will want to play. You are encouraged to bring little snacks or a drink for them as this can often settle them down for a little longer. Simple outfit or vest works best to keep attention on a child only plus change of clothes in case of any accidents which can happen more often than you can probably imagine.

Birthday and milestone sessions

This is a very exciting first birthday for your little baby who you just brought home from hospital after carrying them under your heart for 9 months. Second or other birthdays are important too as our children change so much within such a short time. 
These sessions are lightly decorated with your main colour suggestions but not themed  to keep them fresh and timeless for future to look at. They are intended for your child mainly but I’m happy to include a sister or brother in a few of the photos too but no full family pictures are taken at this stage.

Family outdoor session

These photoshoots will include all your family and pets if you wish for that. Fully natural showing your love and relationship with each other on place agreed between us usually within 30 minutes distance from Dunfermline. We can walk in the park together, build sand castles on the beach or enjoy views in Scottish Gardens. 
Although family photoshoots are available to book all year round the best time for them is Spring. When all nature goes back to life and we can again enjoy the beauty of first flowers, blooming trees or colourful fields that’s when magic happens. Starting in April with Easter all the way to June before school breaks for the holidays.

Maternity session

I offer two types of maternity photoshoots: the first one is natural in place of your choice; it can include your partner and other kids if this is not your first one. We will enjoy walking together and laugh as I will capture your love for the little human you carry under your heart. Second type of maternity sessions is more intimate, private and empowering for women proud of their body. I will invite you to my little studio and gently help you pose for the pictures you can come with your partner to join you if he wishes to.

Mini session

My mini sessions are available on the set days during the year. Usually themed like Christmas or Back to School mini shoots are only 20 minutes long and in one setup or location. 
If you are not ready for a full photoshoot why not try a sample one when it comes on offer? 
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